December 5, 2024

 25 Arabic proverbs that convey wisdom and truth, along with their meanings

  1. الوقت كالسيف، إن لم تقطعه قطعك
    “Time is like a sword; if you don’t cut it, it will cut you.”
    Meaning: Time is precious and should be used wisely.
  2. العقل زينة
    “The mind is an ornament.”
    Meaning: Wisdom and intelligence are valuable assets.
  3. ما كل ما يتمنى المرء يدركه
    “Not everything a person wishes for can be achieved.”
    Meaning: We cannot always achieve our desires.
  4. يد واحدة لا تصفق
    “One hand cannot clap.”
    Meaning: Cooperation is essential for success.
  5. من جد وجد
    “Whoever strives will find.”
    Meaning: Hard work leads to success.
  6. العين لا تعلو على الحاجب
    “The eye does not rise above the eyebrow.”
    Meaning: One should not overstep their place.
  7. لكل شيء إذا ما تم نقصان
    “Everything that is complete has a flaw.”
    Meaning: Nothing is perfect.
  8. الحاجة أم الاختراع
    “Necessity is the mother of invention.”
    Meaning: Challenges often lead to creative solutions.
  9. الجمل لا يرى حردبته
    “The camel does not see its own hump.”
    Meaning: People often overlook their own faults.
  10. أحب لأخيك ما تحب لنفسك
    “Love for your brother what you love for yourself.”
    Meaning: Treat others as you wish to be treated.
  11. العصفور في اليد خير من عشرة على الشجرة
    “A bird in the hand is better than ten in the tree.”
    Meaning: It’s better to hold onto what you have than to risk it for more.
  12. الصبر مفتاح الفرج
    “Patience is the key to relief.”
    Meaning: Patience leads to better outcomes.
  13. لا يلدغ المؤمن من جحر مرتين
    “A believer is not bitten from the same hole twice.”
    Meaning: Learn from your mistakes.
  14. أعطِ الخبز لخبازه
    “Give the bread to the baker.”
    Meaning: Let specialists handle their respective fields.
  15. إذا كان الكلام من فضة، فالسكوت من ذهب
    “If speech is silver, silence is golden.”
    Meaning: Sometimes it’s better to remain silent.
  16. لا تؤجل عمل اليوم إلى الغد
    “Do not postpone today’s work until tomorrow.”
    Meaning: Avoid procrastination.
  17. الصديق وقت الضيق
    “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
    Meaning: True friends show their worth in tough times.
  18. أن تأتي متأخراً خير من ألا تأتي
    “Better late than never.”
    Meaning: It’s better to do something late than not do it at all.
  19. العذر أقبح من الذنب
    “Excuses are worse than the sin.”
    Meaning: Making excuses is often worse than the mistake itself.
  20. من طلب العلا سهر الليالي
    “Whoever seeks greatness stays up at night.”
    Meaning: Achieving success requires hard work and sacrifice.
  21. بين الحلم واليقظة شعرة
    “Between dreams and waking lies a thread.”
    Meaning: The line between aspiration and reality can be thin.
  22. كل إناء بما فيه ينضح
    “Every container spills what it contains.”
    Meaning: People reveal their true selves through their words and actions.
  23. كلما ارتفعت الشجرة، كثرت رياحها
    “The taller the tree, the stronger the winds.”
    Meaning: Success brings more challenges.
  24. اللسان ليس له عظام
    “The tongue has no bones.”
    Meaning: Words can be powerful and can hurt without physical force.
  25. الحكمة ضالة المؤمن
    “Wisdom is the lost property of the believer.”
    Meaning: A wise person seeks knowledge wherever it may be found.