- Água mole em pedra dura, tanto bate até que fura.
- Translation: Soft water on hard stone, it hits until it drills.
- Meaning: Persistence pays off; with enough effort, you can achieve your goals.
- Quem não arrisca, não petisca.
- Translation: He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t snack.
- Meaning: You have to take chances to gain rewards.
- De grão em grão, a galinha enche o papo.
- Translation: Grain by grain, the hen fills its belly.
- Meaning: Small efforts accumulate over time to yield significant results.
- Cão que ladra não morde.
- Translation: A dog that barks doesn’t bite.
- Meaning: Those who make the most noise often pose the least threat.
- Em boca fechada não entra mosca.
- Translation: Flies don’t enter a closed mouth.
- Meaning: Keeping quiet can help you avoid trouble.
- Mais vale um pássaro na mão do que dois a voar.
- Translation: A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the air.
- Meaning: It is better to hold onto something you have than to risk it for something uncertain.
- Quem tudo quer, tudo perde.
- Translation: He who wants everything loses everything.
- Meaning: Greed can lead to losing everything; it’s better to be content with what you have.
- Devagar se vai ao longe.
- Translation: Slowly one goes far.
- Meaning: Patience and steady progress lead to success.
- O hábito faz o monge.
- Translation: The habit makes the monk.
- Meaning: Your actions and habits define who you are.
- Cada macaco no seu galho.
- Translation: Each monkey on its own branch.
- Meaning: Everyone should stick to their own responsibilities or expertise.
- Quem tem boca vai a Roma.
- Translation: He who has a mouth goes to Rome.
- Meaning: Speaking up and asking for help can get you far.
- A união faz a força.
- Translation: Unity makes strength.
- Meaning: Working together leads to greater success.
- Não adianta chorar sobre o leite derramado.
- Translation: It’s no use crying over spilled milk.
- Meaning: There’s no point in lamenting past mistakes; focus on the future.
- Saco vazio não para em pé.
- Translation: An empty sack doesn’t stand up.
- Meaning: You need to take care of your basic needs before you can expect to succeed in other areas.
- Quem semeia ventos, colhe tempestades.
- Translation: He who sows winds reaps storms.
- Meaning: Your actions have consequences; if you cause trouble, you will face greater problems later.