December 4, 2024

Quiz yourself: Do you have a noun know-how?


1: What type of noun is “happiness”?
A) Common Noun
B) Proper Noun
C) Abstract Noun
D) Collective Noun

2: Which of the following is a proper noun?
A) city
B) river
C) Paris
D) mountain

3: Identify the collective noun in this sentence: “The flock of birds flew over the lake.”
A) birds
B) flew
C) flock
D) lake

4: Which one of the following is a concrete noun?
A) truth
B) freedom
C) cat
D) joy

5: Choose the correct plural form of “child.”
A) childes
B) children
C) childs
D) childer

6: What is the noun in the following sentence? “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
A) quick
B) jumps
C) fox
D) lazy

7: Which of these sentences contains a possessive noun?
A) The cats are playing.
B) Sarah’s book is on the table.
C) The children are outside.
D) The trees are tall.

8: What type of noun is “wisdom”?
A) Common Noun
B) Proper Noun
C) Abstract Noun
D) Collective Noun


1. Abstract Noun

2. Paris

3. flock

4. cat

5. children

6. fox

7. Sarah’s book is on the table.

8. Abstract Noun